Massage offers so many natural health benefits and is a fantastic way to relax, to feel more in tune and balanced with ourselves away from the day to day.

Massage can restore a range of motion to stiff joints relieving chronic tension patterns in muscles. Massage improves posture and promotes homeostasis within the mind and body. Breathe in and let go.

Our bodies and muscles do an incredible amount in our lives both physically and emotionally. What are the muscles that drive us? What is sitting on our shoulders? It’s often when we receive massage treatment that we realise how tight our muscles have been or how much of our energy is consumed by tension and occupational strains.

Massage provides a way in which to reconnect these elements; to notice, to restore postural and emotional balance, to realign, to breathe and to let go. A restorative approach for our mind, our body and our soul. To feel differently.

Deep tissue massage is a fantastic technique for busy, active and often over tense muscles.

Physiologically, deep tissue massage works by the compression and stretching muscles and facia which can provide functional realignment of muscle fibres, reduce the pain of muscle tension, improve joint range and helps address issues of muscle imbalance by helping to lengthen targeted muscles.

Psychologically, deep tissue can be powerfully sedative and often has a soporific effect.

Massage is a wonderful way to engage in deep relaxation and to activate the parasympathetic nervous system which is hugely beneficial to our health and well being. Touch is an instinctive language and being a therapist is hugely rewarding. I am constantly evolving my treatments practice and thoroughly enjoy helping people find time for calmness, re connection and renewed vitality.